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Puppy Potty Training

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The process might be hard, but if you are patient and persistent, you can teach your puppy to go to the bathroom in the right place.

Create a routine.

Puppies thrive on structure and routine. Establish and keep to a regular eating and toilet routine as much as possible. Take your puppy outdoors to a designated potty place after eating and drinking.

 Reward good behavior.

When they do go to the bathroom in the right place, give them treats, praise, and love.

Keep an eye on your puppy.

If you see them sniffing or circling, take them outdoors to their appropriate toilet location right away.

Punishments should be avoided.

Punishing your dog for accidents will only make them afraid and stressed. Instead, stop them in the middle of their act and lead them outside to their designated toilet place.

Take your puppy outdoors to the designated potty place on a regular basis and reward them for releasing themselves there. They will eventually learn that this is the proper location to go potty. 

Gradually increase freedom.

Completely clean up accidents to get rid of any smells that might make your dog want to go to the bathroom in the same spot again.

Potty training is a time-consuming and patient procedure. However, with constant training and a good reward, your puppy will quickly learn to relieve himself in the proper location. Remember to be patient, persistent, and consistent, and you and your pet will be well on your way to a happy and healthy relationship.